среда, 24 мая 2017 г.

Russian Defence Minister gave a speech at the session of the Federation Council within the government hour

24.05.2017. The Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu gave a speech at the session of the Federation Council within the ‘government hour’.

According to the Defence Minister, regular meetings and close cooperation with the Federation Council committees allow to solve issues in defence field and improve conditions of Armed Forces

“This is especially important in conditions of rising of tensions in strategically important regions as Ukraine, Syria, and the Korean Peninsula,” said Sergei Shoigu.

The head of the military department included ambition of the United States to take the global leadership in the list of factors of international instability.

As Sergei Shoigu stressed, “Washington and other Western countries continue imposing the idea of existence of the Russian military threat on the international community. Many countries pursue this policy. This badly influences on formation of joint confrontation against the main evil – international terrorism”.

According to him, this is “cynical policy of double standards”.

In these conditions, it is necessary to continue building up the Russian Armed Forces in order to be able to counter any threats and challenges as well as to defend national interests.

General of the Army Sergei Shoigu said that the Russian Defence Ministry was paying special attention to sustaining of capabilities of strategic nuclear forces at the level of guaranteed nuclear deterrence.

The Strategic Missile Forces have been receiving Yars modern missile complexes. The complexes have raised capabilities in overwhelming missile defence of the enemy.

99% of launching systems of the Strategic Missile Forces are in combat readiness condition. More than 96% of them are in permanent readiness for the missile launch.

Annually, 4-5 strategic missile carriers of the aviation strategic missile forces are modernized. Last year, the Russian Aerospace Forces received two Tu-160 and two Tu-95MS aircraft.

There are 9 modern strategic missile submarines in the naval strategic nuclear forces. The submarines have been patrolling water zones.

The naval strategic nuclear forces are being rearmed with the Borey-class nuclear missile underwater cruisers.

As for non-nuclear deterrence, ground-, sea-, and air-based long-range high-precision armament is being introduced in order to raise capabilities of troops.

Last year, formations and military units received 40 high-precision weapon delivery vehicles and 180 long-range cruise missiles.

In 2016, 4 motorized rifle and a tank divisions as well as motorized rifle, missile, air defence, and army aviation brigades were formed in the Land Forces.

In total, 2930 new and modernized samples were introduced. Share of modern armament in the Land Forces is 42%.

Since 2013, the Aerospace Forces have been receiving 150-250 modern aircraft annually.

Number of air defence missile regiments armed with S-400 Triumph air defence missile systems has reached 13.

According to the Defence Minister, the complete radar field of the missile attack warning system from all strategic directions has been formed long borders of the Russian Federation.

According to the Minister of Defence, since 2012, more than 30,000 new and upgraded basic weapons and equipment have been introduced in to the troops, including over 50 warships, 1,300 aircraft, 4,700 tanks and armoured combat vehicles.

He explained that share of military and naval hardware in constant readiness units reached more than 58%. 94% of the hardware is serviceable.

The Minister of Defence noted a high degree of efficiency, especially during the operation in Syria, of the control system of the Armed Forces.

It allows to control the situation throughout the combat operations area as well as to manage air and ground forces.

The head of the military department noted that staffing level of the Armed Forces is 93%. The number of contract servicemen has reached 384,000 people.

“For the first time in the history of Russia, sergeant personnel has been fully staffed by contract servicemen”, said Sergei Shoigu.

Sergei Shoigu considered it necessary to pay attention of participants of the session to the fact that Russia's defence spending is more than 11 times less than in the United States, and that compared to China, it is only one third.

For example, military spending of the United States is 664 billion dollars, and China – 171 billion.

"We continue the systematic work on further improvement and development of the Armed Forces," emphasized the Minister of Defence.

17 missile regiments of the ground-based strategic nuclear forces will be rearmed with the Yars complex by 2021. Developed strategic missile systems will be put in service.

It is supposed that the effective combat strength of the naval strategic nuclear force will have 13 submarines, including 7 Borey-class ones with the Bulava new missile systems.

These measures will allow to bring the equipping of strategic nuclear forces with modern weapons to 72 percent, which will ensure the maintenance of the nuclear deterrent at the demanded level.

After 2021, it is planned to start serial production of Tu-160M2 modernized strategic missile carrier, which is capable of striking on ground targets of the enemy in remote strategic locations without entering the zone of operations of the missile defence and air defence.

Sergei Shoigu noticed that general-purpose forces will be equipped with self-sufficient force grouping and forces in all strategic areas, including the Arctic, which will be able to respond properly to any threats to military security by the end of 2020.

By this time the ground forces are planned to completely rearm with the Iskander-M modern missile systems.

About half of the warships of the Russian Navy will be equipped with Kaliber sea-based cruise missiles.

Combat capabilities of Aerospace Forces will be increased.

Su-30SM and Su-35S modern aircraft will be the main fighters, Su-34 will be the main bomber, and upgraded Su-25SM will be the main assault aircraft. These aircraft do not concede foreign analogues according to its characteristics.

The troops will be supplied with promising aviation complex of frontline aviation T-50 in 2019 and anti-aircraft missile system S-500 in 2020, which would increase the fight effectiveness against modern means of air and space attack.

According to him, “In general, it will allow us to meet the target which was put by the President of the Russian Federation and get to the level of equipping Armed Forces with modern weapons and technology not below 70 percent at the end of 2020”.

Sergei Shoigu commented the results of operation in the Syrian Arab Republic.

The Minister of Defence thanked the Federation Council for its decision on the use of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria, noting that it allowed to implement a number of geopolitical missions.

On the southern flank of the NATO, the group of the Russian Armed Forces was created and radically changed the strategic situation in the region.

Heavy losses have been caused to the international terrorist organizations in Syria, their financial support and resources system have been disrupted.

The collapse of the Syrian state has been prevented; attempts of change the legitimate authority managed from abroad are cancelled out.

Under the leadership of Russia, the process of the Syrian political settlement with the participation of field commanders of the opposition forces has been launched in Astana.

Signing of the Memorandum on creation of the de-escalation zones in Syria has become a milestone occasion, which came into force on May 6.

“Its implementation will allow to cease the combat actions of the conflicting parties and, in fact, to stop the civil war”, said the Defence Minister.

Sergei Shoigu said that the liberation of Aleppo, which is considered as the second capital of Syria, is the main achievement of the last year.

He reminded that this year a large group of the ISIS insurgents to the north of Aleppo was defeated. Moreover, the Russian Aerospace forces and the Turkish Air Forces have been operating together against terrorists for the first time.

The government forces came to the dam of Assad and continued attack along the west bank of the River Euphrates with the support of Russian aviation.

Palmyra has been liberated. Jisel, Khayan, and Shaer oil and gas fields have been taken under control of the government troops.

Moreover, situation near Hama has been stabilized. Terrorists have been pushed more than 30 kilometers away from the city.

Under the facilitation of Russian military servicemen, most radical extremists and their families have left the area of al-Waer of the Homs city. As a result, it has been taken under control of the Syrian government troops.

“Since the start of the operation in Syria, due to pre-eminent role of Russia, the Syrian government has taken 705 towns and more than 17,000 square kilometers under control,” noted Sergei Shoigu.

It allowed more than 108,000 refugees to return to their homes.

“Comparative analysis of results of actions of the Russian aviation in Syria and the international coalition shows that the Aerospace Forces, which had fewer aircraft, carried out three times more sorties and delivered four times more missile and bomb attacks,” said the Russian Defence Minister.

According to him, success of the Syrian troops could be impossible without assistance provided by Russian military councilors. They have been planning operations and managing troops at the most important directions.

He highly assessed the key role of Special Operation Forces’ servicemen in eliminating leaders of terrorists and critically important objects of the enemy.

As Sergei Shoigu said, “process of reconciliation of opposing sides and political settlement of the conflict has been launched in Syria”.

According to the Minister of Defence, 1,510 inhabited areas with population of more than 6 million people have joined the ceasefire regime. About 110,000 refugees have returned to their homes.

Since February 2016, servicemen of the Russian Centre for reconciliation of opposing sides have held 1,247 humanitarian actions and delivered more than 1,800 tons of food products, medicaments, and items of first necessity.

In conclusion of speech, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu expressed his gratitude to the Federation Council for all-round support in realization of plans aimed to develop the Russian Armed Forces. He also expressed his confidence that such cooperation will promote strengthening of the credibility of the Russian Army. 

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